Seasonal Sensibility: Smart Bird Feeding Through the Year

Seasonal Diets for Feathered Friends

Offer foods that match a bird's natural diet for each season – seeds in winter, mealworms in spring, fruits in autumn.

Avoid Whole Peanuts in Spring

To be safe, skip whole peanuts during spring to prevent baby birds from potential choking hazards.

Suet for Cold Days Only

Feed raw suet only in freezing temperatures to avoid coating birds' feathers, which can cause harm.

Keep the Seed Heads in Fall

Preserve seed heads in autumn to supply natural and nutritious food sources for local birds.

Keep Feeders Full in Winter

Don't put away feeders during winter; birds like woodpeckers and finches rely on them in the cold.

Consistency is Key

Maintain a regular feeding schedule in winter to avoid causing birds to waste energy searching for food.

Freshness Matters

Always use fresh seeds and nuts; old bird food can become toxic and harm the birds.

Shade for Summer Feeders

Place feeders in shaded areas during summer to keep food from going rancid and encourage bird visits.

Distance from Birdhouses

Keep feeders at least 15 feet away from birdhouses to ensure nesting birds have the privacy they need.

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