Alabama's Glittering Air Show: Anticipate the Hummingbirds' Return

Spring's Winged Harbingers

Ruby-throated hummingbirds signal spring in Alabama, arriving from early to mid-March.

Diverse Summer Sightings

Not just Ruby-throats, but occasional Rufous and other hummingbird species also visit Alabama.

Migratory Marvels

These tiny birds travel great distances, with Alabama often as a stopover or summer home.

Native Nectar Sources

Create a hummingbird haven with native plants like Bee balm and Red buckeye in your Alabama garden.

Rewild With Purpose

Mirror Alabama's native ecosystems in your garden to provide robust habitats for hummingbirds.

Rewild With Purpose

Mirror Alabama's native ecosystems in your garden to provide robust habitats for hummingbirds.

Early Feeder Set-Up

Position hummingbird feeders by late February to welcome the earliest migrators in Alabama.

Summertime Songbirds

Throughout the summer, hummingbirds flourish in Alabama, raising their young before fall migration.

Farewell Flights

Hummingbirds start their southward journey from late August, with departures peaking in mid-October.

Extended Stay Guests

Keep feeders operational for any over-wintering hummingbirds or late departures in Alabama.

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Embark on an exciting journey with Alabama's hummingbirds and transform your garden into a bustling bird paradise!