Delaware’s Feathered Fliers: When Will Hummingbirds Hover Back?

A Mid-April Delight

Expect the vibrant Ruby-throated hummingbirds to start arriving in Delaware around mid-April.

Gendered Arrival Times

Male hummingbirds touch down first to stake territories with females arriving shortly after.

Varied Feathered Visitors

Delaware is graced not only by Ruby-throated hummingbirds but sometimes by Rufous and other rare species.

Preparing Your Garden

Create a hummingbird haven in Delaware by gardening organically and providing natural habitats.

The Perfect Buffet

Plant Asters, Bee balm, and Trumpet creeper for a garden that's a hummingbird magnet.

Feeder Timing

Install feeders by early April to nourish the first arrivals of these winged wonders in Delaware.

Bidding Farewell

Hummingbirds start their departure in September, with most leaving by end of October.

Outliers in the Migration

Keep watch for lingering or migrating hummingbird species through fall in Delaware.

Extended Feeder Care

Leave feeders out at least two weeks after the last visit, or offer year-round support for non-migrants.

Swipe Up to Read More

Explore more about hummingbird migrations and how to entice these charming creatures to your Delaware garden year after year!