2024 Hummingbird Watch: When They Sweep Into Missouri & Tips to Welcome Them!

Missouri's Aerial Spring Bloom

Expect the Ruby-throated hummingbirds to arrive in Missouri by mid-April 2024.

Missouri's Hummingbird Roster

The Ruby-throated hummingbird is Missouri's primary summer resident, with the Rufous and Anna's as occasional visitors.

First Scouts Arrive

Male Ruby-throated hummingbirds lead the way, arriving before females to establish nesting territories.

Preparing Your Garden for Guests

Ready your garden by removing hazards and growing organic to create a hummingbird haven.

Tracking the Winged Journey

Use e-Bird to monitor real-time sightings as hummingbirds make their way to Missouri.

Planting for a Hummingbird Buffet

Cultivate native Missouri plants like Agastache and Cardinal flower to provide natural nectar.

Feeder Ready Set-Up

Place hummingbird feeders by early April to welcome the earliest arrivals.

Departure Season for Ruby-Throats

Male hummingbirds may start leaving in mid-August, with some females staying until end of October.

Feeder Down, Not Yet!

Keep feeders up until you haven't seen any hummingbirds for at least two weeks, usually around mid-November.

Swipe Up to Read More

Swipe up to learn more about creating a habitat that keeps hummingbirds returning to your Missouri garden year after year.