do hawks eat parrots

Do Hawks Eat Parrots? (Varieties + More)

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If you keep a pet parrot in your home and live in a hawk-infested area, you may be a little concerned for your feathered friend. Reasonably, you may wonder: do hawks eat parrots?

Well, if you’re an experienced birder, you know that hawks are fierce predators and will eat small animals that are easy to obtain. However, there have been reports of hawks attacking larger prey. Does this include parrots? To find out, keep reading!

Do Hawks Prey On Parrots?

Despite being larger prey, hawks do feast on parrots. In fact, hawks are one of a parrot’s most common predators.

So, if you keep a parrot as a pet, or you work in a sanctuary that houses parrots, you’ll need to ensure you have safety precautions in place to prevent a hawk from snatching these colorful birds.

Do Hawks Eat Baby Parrots?


Hawks will eat almost any type of bird, but they do have a preference for smaller prey. Therefore, baby parrots are more likely to be on the menu than adult parrots.

However, it’s important to remember that each hawk is an individual, and some may be more likely to hunt parrots than others. In general, though, it is safe to say that hawks pose a threat to baby parrots.

Do Hawks Eat Parrot Eggs?

Red-Lored Parrot

As we’ve established, some hawk species will feast on parrots, but does this include their unborn counterparts? While it is certainly possible that hawks could eat parrot eggs, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that this actually happens.

Indeed, there are no records of hawks preying on parrots in the wild, and most reports of hawks eating eggs come from captive birds kept in zoos or aviaries.

That being said, it is possible that hawks occasionally eat parrot eggs in the wild, as they will scavenge for alternative food if there is a lack of live prey to be found. So, if you are still worried about your parrots and their eggs being preyed upon by hawks, it’s best to keep them safe inside their cage or aviary.

What Animals Eat Parrot Eggs?

In addition to hawks, young parrots must defend themselves from other predators and protect their eggs. Many predators will assault unprotected nests or scare off the parents in order to gain access.

Eggs would then be an easy source of food with lots of nutrients. Even the newly hatched chicks or youngsters may become meals for smaller mammals or birds.

Generally, snakes and rats are potential predators of parrot eggs and young. These nimble little creatures may sneak in unnoticed, and if they are fortunate, the eggs will be less closely guarded, allowing them to eat.

However, parrots are vigilant of their young and monitor the nest almost constantly. So, predators will do everything possible to frighten off the parents by hissing, biting, or adopting an aggressive stance.

If the adult parrot flees, these smaller predators may consume parrot chicks and eggs

Which Other Predators Hunt Parrots?

Red-Crowned Parrot

In addition to hawks, parrots are susceptible to many animals. Even in captivity, parrots are constantly on guard for potential threats. If there is one nearby, your parrot may appear nervous and scared of quick movements or noises, which it interprets as potential dangers.

Which predators should you be on the lookout for? Bats, owls, snakes, eagles, monkeys, and big cats are all reptilian predators of parrots. As well, feral cats, sugar gliders, and rats are other introduced predators that prey on parrots.

Fortunately, parrots have developed methods to defend themselves in order to survive. Their brilliant feathers help them hide, and they will bite attackers with their sharp beaks if need be.

However, if your parrot has been domesticated for some time and isn’t used to dealing with wild animals, it’s important to practice caution and have safety measures in place.

Things Parrots Are Afraid Of

To further protect your parrot, you should be aware of what they’re afraid of. Consult the below list:

  • Other birds: Includes raptors and birds of prey.
  • Big cats: They may leap up and capture parrots with a well-timed jump.
  • Primates: They are also considered a good source of food by parakeets.
  • Reptiles: They can scale down trees or cling to a parrot that alights on the ground.
  • Rodents: Chickens, eggs, and young adult parrots are all vulnerable to the attacks of snakes.

The most hazardous predators to a parrot are those that soar in the sky. 

The sort of raptor that attacks parrots, such as a hawk, is determined by the size of the parrot. Raptors are more likely to prey on smaller birds like parakeets and parrotlets than bigger species such as macaws.

Fortunately, their capacity to fly gives parrots an edge over non-flying mammals. Some animals, though, still manage to capture them. Big cats, monkeys, and snakes can all still:

  • Climb up into the trees and ambush them.
  • When parrots land for food or water, grab them up.
  • Take the eggs or chicks from the nests of parrots.

So, do hawks eat parrots? Yes, if they are presented with the opportunity. So, if you keep a pet parrot or run a sanctuary where parrots are present, ensure that you’ve implemented safety precautions to prevent raptors from snatching these precious birds!

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