Do hawks eat vultures

Do Hawks Eat Vultures? Friends Or Foes?

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Hawks are carnivorous birds of prey that are known for their sharp talons and beaks.

They typically hunt small mammals, reptiles, and other birds, but if the opportunity presents itself, hawks will also eat carrion (dead animals).

Meanwhile, vultures are large birds that feed primarily on carrion.

Due to their scavenging habits, they often come into conflict with hawks and other predators. When a vulture spots a carcass, it will circle overhead to claim the food.

If another creature approaches, the vulture will emit a loud hissing noise and spread its wings in a threatening manner.

Usually, this is enough to dissuade other animals from trying to steal the food. However, if a hawk is hungry enough, it may attack and kill a vulture in order to eat its carcass. If the hawk is successful, it will eat vulture meat, leaving the rest of the body untouched.

However, hawks typically hunt during the day, while vultures are more active at night. As a result, clashes between these two species are relatively rare.

Do Hawks And Vultures Avoid Each Other?

Hawks and vultures scavenger, feeding on the dead bodies of other animals at different sequences. However, they often occupy different niches in the ecosystem. 

Typically, hawks are much smaller than vultures.

However, their powerful beaks and talons make them powerful predators. In contrast, vultures do not typically kill their own food. Instead, they eat carrion that has already been killed by other predators.

This difference in diet often leads to different roosting habits for hawks and vultures. Vultures will often roost in large groups, while hawks are more likely to roost alone or in pairs.

The two types of birds also tend to avoid each other’s company, as hawks are known to attack and eat smaller birds like vultures.  As a result, it is not uncommon to see hawks and vultures occupying different areas of the sky.

Do Hawks Eat Baby Vultures?

Hawks are predators, which means they eat other animals. This can include small mammals like rodents and rabbits, as well as reptiles, amphibians, fish, and other birds.

Hawks are especially known for preying on smaller birds, such as doves, finches, and sparrows. However, they will also opportunistically take larger prey, such as vultures.

Vultures are much larger than most of the other birds that hawks typically hunt, so they may seem like an unlikely target.

However, vultures are actually quite vulnerable to predation. They are slow and awkward on the ground, and their wing muscles are not well-suited for sustained flight.

As a result, a fast-flying hawk can sometimes successfully overtake them.

Baby vultures may be even more vulnerable, as they have not yet learned to defend themselves or fly well. Consequently, it is not uncommon for hawks to prey on young vultures.

Do Hawks Eat Vulture Eggs?

While most hawks prefer to hunt live prey, they will also scavenge for food if necessary. This scavenging behavior is often seen in vultures, which are a type of bird that Hawks are known to eat.

However, vultures typically lay their eggs in nests high off the ground, which makes them inaccessible to most predators. As a result, it is unlikely that hawks regularly eat vulture eggs.

While it is possible that a hawk could stumble upon a vulture nest and eat an egg, it is not likely that this behavior would occur on a regular basis.

Other Vulture Predators

Despite being skilled predators, vultures are not immune from predation themselves. They are exposed to predators on all sides, including people.

Other birds of prey, wild dogs and cats, and even crocodiles will attack them while they are drinking at a watering hole.  Here are some of the most frequent vulture predator species:


In addition to contributing to habitat loss, humans also pose other dangers to vultures. The largest threat humans pose to vultures is poaching. 

While poaching is a highly-divisive topic, most would agree that pushing different species to the brink of extinction, for sport or profit is an egregious crime. More than 7,000 distinct species on Earth are labeled endangered and humans are responsible for the majority of these losses. 


Jackals are omnivores that scavenge and hunt. They have a reliable food source in the carcasses of predators’ kills. When food becomes difficult to find, jackals will be forced to look for it.

During times of scarcity, jackals will likely attach vultures to take the meal for themselves. 

Since they mature more slowly than other birds of prey, they are more susceptible for a longer amount of time. As a result, vultures take very good care of their nests and defend them jointly by the male and female.

Although vultures are capable of tearing through concealment, most are unable to do so and will instead wait for other scavengers like jackals or other vultures to finish their work. When food is readily available, jackals and vultures may be seen dining together.


Snakes may consume a wide range of foodstuffs, ranging from domestic to wild creatures and including everything from tiny insects to whole herbivores. They will occasionally prey on vultures, particularly young chicks since they are smaller and weaker.

Many raptors construct their nests high in the air, on tall trees or spectacular rock formations. Snakes are strong climbers who can slither up sharp rocks and pointed branches with ease. This allows snakes to reach vulnerable vulture chicks from elevated vantage points.

Snakes that feed only on eggs are some of the most primitive snakes. In many kinds of birds, domestic or wild, it is mostly the female who will sit on the eggs until they hatch and take quick breaks to eat.

It is during this time that snake species with a voracious appetite take advantage.

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